Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Man the maker, the tool-user, fabricator?

Today I'm going to Trondheim to participate in Norwegian Anthropology Association Annual Conference (only in Norwegian). I am not having any individual paper (yet!:) but I'm really excited because this year's meeting has Homo Faber as a leitmotif. And workshops seem to be really interesting. They've scored a bullseye! Heh. So some thoughts and maybe a little report coming soon.

Yeah, MAN THE MAKER I like most!

Speaking about tool users and so on, I've been discovered (hehe) by some
technology user anthrospy (he is damn good in what he is doing. I mean doing the site, not discovering me!) and I was cited for the first time in my life! APPLAUSE. And fortunately (for me) I didn't get panic as another student who was also cited at It made me think about relations between students, doctors, professors and others, and about students' selfconfidence or lack of it actually. But this topic some other time... Anyway is an amazing website for all anthropology enthusiasts. It is in Norwegian, English and German. International and scandinavian news and blogroll that aggregates anthropology blogs from all over the world in chronological order. And it is updated every four hour so it is a real bargain. And it has a really good design! So thank you Lorenz and good luck!