Sunday, July 23, 2006

Back in Norway. Still in Norway

My my, I've been admitted to MA! I couldn't believe this when I came home Friday night and opened an envelope. Doomsday-like feelings. Funny when I came to Norway as an au-pair to practice my Norwegian before I went back to Gdansk in Poland and thought "It would be nice to be able to take at least one class at the uni to see how it is to study in Norway and to test myself". I was lucky to be guest student for one semester. I took Regional Ethnography and Introduction to Social Anthropology and was on cloud nine doing this. So I've applied to BA and decided to stay in Oslo and do what I REALLY desire. I got in and was totally ecstatic. You can imagine what I feel now!

So, show must go on and my time has come! I am inexpressibly happy and paralysed at the same time. But I think that this kind of paralysis is what I can cope with and what I am actually looking forward to in my life.

For those who want to read and speak Norwegian - two articels of mine have been published in ANTROPRESS. One is a little "manifesto" to Norwegian anthropology students and about their participation (or rather - non-participation) at conferences and meetings they have opportunity to. I am also comparing relations in Polish and Norwegian academia. The other one is dealing with morality and ethics problematic among medical staff in Poland and is about the well-known division on the private and public "self" and social roles and expectation. As mentioned before - nothing huge, but first time in Norway so I am quite proud. I just have to avoid thoughts like: "Oh God, I wrote this X months ago! Now I would write it totally different!" Agrhhrhrr... As far as I know this is the worse curse for all who publish something.