Thursday, October 26, 2006

Abortion and childless tax. Governmentality in Poland and Nicaragua

(protesting feminists. by La Prensa)

Yesterday, the deputies of Nicaraguan Parliament approved the request of president Enrique Bolaños and the Catholic Church to punish all abortions, including therapeutic abortion which was allowed by law from 2001. From now abortion in Nicaragua is punishable from 4 to 8 years. This applies both women and doctors and midvives who practices or attend abortion.

Tradicionally, abortion debate comes together with coming presidential election. Edmundo Jarquín from Movimiento Renovador Sandinista (MRS) protested against the new law and said that personally he is against abortion but now it's all about women's health. Eduardo Montealegre from Alianza Liberal Nicaragüense (ALN). "Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, who was a supporter of abortion rights as a young revolutionary, has said he has become a devout Roman Catholic and now opposes abortion", writes The Associated Press (today's article). I suppose the case will have a great influence on the coming election results.

Today's article from El Nuevo Diario (spanish)

Today's article from La Prensa (spanish)

Some history on abortion case in Nicaragua

Polish politics life continues tradition and start discussing abortion right before election. While having one of the strongest protection of unborn children, Polish legislature hasn't dealt yet with a problem of rape, incest or child's disability. Yesterday a leading party proposed "to close the “rape exception” loophole for abortion and is seeking an insertion into the constitution that would guarantee “the legal right to life from the moment of conception", writes Lifesite in yesterday's article.

The League of Polish Families means that so we escape from misinterpretations of the constitutional regulation. Constitution experts are discussing possibilities of this amendment and one of them concludes that "moment of conception" can be interpreted differently as well. More here (only in Polish).

Another thing is the proposal of paying extra taxes by the childless families. Anna Sobecka from National Popular Movement said that "families which do not bring up the children should be charged with taxes, because they do not participate in society building", reports Gazeta Wyborcza (only Polish).

And speaking about Foucault and biopolitics...

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